CashManager has pre-built integration with numerous banks and ERP systems
To know more how your ERP and bank are integrated with CashManager, please contact us.
CashManager integration consists of two parts:
Bank integration
General requirements
CashManager exchanges information with bank software using messages. These messages can be in the form of import/export files, API calls, or both (see below). No matter what kind of message is in use, there are certain requirements for the banking software in order for CashManager to cooperate correctly with it. The table below lists these requirements and explains how CashManager will operate if they are not met.
If not met:
CashManager will operate in the Posting modes only. All payments will need to be done without CashManager.
If not met:
The beneficiary will not see the payment purpose (e.g. invoice numbers).
If not met:
CashManager will operate in the Payments mode only. Bank statements will need to be processed without CashManager.
If not met:
CashManager reconciliation will rely on unstructured information (Free Text) only.
If not met:
CashManager reconciliation will rely on structured information only.
If not met:
CashManager reconciliation will rely on other available information to determine the transaction types. If the information is not enough, then e.g. bank charges might appear as outgoing payments.
If not met:
CashManager will not show account balance in the Payments mode.
1. Import/export file solutions
The standard information exchange as shown below is implemented using import and export files. Namely, a bank statement is retrieved from bank software in the form of a file which is then imported to CashManager; and in order to send payments to the bank, import files are generated by CashManager, which are then imported to the bank software.

Low risk
of payment import by mistake
– More user actions are required
Easy tracking
– All payment files are archived by CashManager
Fast development
– A complete solution is usually developed within 2 weeks
Fast updates
– Typically 1 working day to update if the bank changes specifications
Low costs
– The user is not charged for solution development
Requirements for solution development
- Bank statement file specification
- Bank payment file specification
- Some examples of statement/payment files
- Contact person(s) in the bank for any questions regarding the specification and for validating the payment files
Typical import / export file formats
ISO 20022 / XML; BAI2; MT101; MT940; Multicash; FiDAViSta 1.0 / 1.2 (XML); Datapacket / XML; Other XML files; BPP; CitiDirect BE; CSV; Direct Entry; LITAS-ESIS; MKU; PC MRI; Telehansa 6; Teleteenus M3/M4; and other formats.
Please note that this list specifies just some popular formats and is not exhaustive.
2. API solutions
Another solution which is shown below is information exchange using API calls. This solution is only possible if the bank software fully supports API calls on authorization, bank statement retrieval and payment sending. Such a solution is developed specifically for each bank and thus requires an intense cooperation with the bank IT team concerning the API documentation and software testing.
Because the great majority (>98%) of CashManager users currently utilize import/export file solutions, a customer who chooses an API solution is fully charged for solution development, and the development/implementation times will be much longer than those of import/export file solutions.

Integrated solution
– All banking routines are performed inside CashManager,
no need to log on into the bank software
Faster work
– Less user actions are required
Higher security
– No unencrypted information is stored on the computer
Requirements for solution development
- General documentation on the API scheme used in the software
- Specification on the authorization API
- Specification on the bank statement API
- Specification on the payment sending API
- A test account in the bank for testing the software
- Contact person(s) in the bank for general questions regarding the API and for validating the developed routines
A complete solution is usually developed within 2-4 months. The exact development time varies greatly depending on the bank software, as well as on the reaction time from the bank IT team.
3. Combined solutions
In some cases, when API calls are not fully implemented in the bank software (i.e. only a bank statement or payment sending is supported), a combined file/API solution is possible.